Board of Mayor and Alderman
The regular meeting meetings for the Board of Mayor and Alderman will be held the first Monday evening of every month. The Cumberland Gap Beer Board will follow. The public is invited to attend.
The regular meeting meetings for the Board of Mayor and Alderman will be held the first Monday evening of every month. The Cumberland Gap Beer Board will follow. The public is invited to attend.
The regular monthly meetings for the Historic Zoning Commission will be held the first Tuesday (following the first Monday) of every month. If no items are to be discussed a meeting will not be held. The public is invited to attend.
Bring your Airstream and join us for three nights of street camping in the historic town of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
Let Them Eat and Drink Pumpkin is a pumpkin cooking contest. You can bring a dish or drink that features pumpkin and be voted on as a favorite to win.
A joint workshop with the Board of Mayor and Alderman and the Planning Commission will be held to discuss different planning and zoning issues.
At least one week before the regular scheduled meeting the board holds a agenda meeting to review and finalize the agenda. Those meetings are usually held the Monday before the regular scheduled meeting. The public is invited to attend.
The Pumpkin Lights event dazzles visitors, of all ages, with its illuminated trail of hand-carved pumpkins.
The regular monthly meetings for the Planning and Zoning Commission will be held the first Monday of every month. If no items are to be discussed the meeting will not be held. The public is invited to attend.
The public is invited to provide input on Resolution No. 6-2024- A resolution to Adopt the "Zoning Map of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee." The resolution and the map can be reviewed at Cumberland Gap Town Hall during normal business hours.
The regular meeting meetings for the Board of Mayor and Alderman will be held the first Monday evening of every month. The Cumberland Gap Beer Board will follow. The public is invited to attend.
The regular monthly meetings for the Historic Zoning Commission will be held the first Tuesday (following the first Monday) of every month. If no items are to be discussed a meeting will not be held. The public is invited to attend.