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Upcoming Events

Town Boards/Committees

Board of Mayor and Alderman (BMA)

The Board of Mayor and Alderman (BMA) meet the first Monday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Cumberland Gap Town Hall (330 Colwyn Street, Cumberland Gap TN). The Cumberland Gap Beer Board meeting immediately follows. The public is encouraged to attend.

Mayor: Neal Pucciarelli

Alderman : John Douglas; Teresa Fuson; Camille Hall; Bill Linn; John Ravnum; Kathy Maxwell

At least one week before the regular scheduled BMA meeting the board holds a planning meeting to review and finalize the agenda. Those meetings begin at 6 p.m and are usually held the Monday before the regular scheduled meeting. The public is encouraged to attend.

Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC)

The Planning and Zoning Commission meet the first Monday of every month at 6 p.m at the Cumberland Gap Town Hall (330 Colwyn Street, Cumberland Gap TN). The public is encouraged to attend. (If no items are to be discussed the meeting may be cancelled).

Committee Members: Linda McGaffee; John Ravnum; Phyllis Hopson; Craig Callen; Neal Pucciarelli, Aaron Thomas; Joe Wolfenbarger

Historic Zoning Commission (HZC)

The Historic Zoning Commission meet the first Tuesday (following the first Monday) of every month at 7 p.m at the Cumberland Gap Town Hall (330 Colwyn Street, Cumberland Gap TN). The public is encouraged to attend. (If no items are to be discussed the meeting may be cancelled).

Committee Members: Tammy Debrot; Cindy Evans; Doug Fitts; Kathy Maxwell; Steve Moore; John Ravnum; Natalie Sweet